Your Privacy
  All information given to Labcenter Electronics is used solely by ourselves and is not disclosed to third parties.
  We may contact you occasionally by e-mail or normal post/mail to advise you of updates and special offers. Such mailings are kept to a minimum and occur, typically, about once every few months.
  All sensitive information (for example, credit card details) is gathered using secure web pages and is transferred to our internal systems using strong encryption. Customer details are never held on any of our web servers. You can read more about security here.
Full Statement

At Labcenter Electronics we take our customers right to privacy seriously. The following statements are intended to allay any fears you may have that, by giving us a telephone number or e-mail address, you leave yourself open to an endless stream of sales calls or junk advertising either from ourselves or some other party.

The only information that we gather from customers and visitors to the web site is done openly and visibly by means of forms on the web site. We do not gather or track other kinds of 'invisible' information such as the IP address customers connect from.
The information that we gather has, in general, one of two uses: marketing and completion of an order.
Information that we request for the purposes of marketing is always clearly stated as such and is used solely by Labcenter Electronics and is never passed on to any other company or third party. Such information is used by us to determine the type of people using the software (which in turn determines, for example, the level at which we write technical documentation) and rarely is it used for any form of 'follow-up' sales calls or e-mail. You can rest assured that, unlike some companies, if you give us your e-mail address you won't, for example, receive some annoying sales pitch from us once a week!
Information that we request as part of an order is used for the completion of that order. It may also be used to notify you of updates to the software at some future date though this is usually limited to one notification per update (we don't attempt to nag you in to updating your software) and updates tend to be once or twice a year. Again, information is used solely by Labcenter Electronics and is not passed on to any other company or third party except where required by law.